The Osteopaths on the Sunshine Coast

The Osteo’s on Sunshine

Dr. Hollie Buerckner

Dr. Billy Holmes

Our Services

Initial Appointment

These appointments are for first-timers! We chat about you, do a full checkup, and break down what's happening and why. Then, we dive into a full-on treatment and hook you up with a clear plan to keep things in check.

Return Appointment

Welcome back for your follow-up appointment! We'll check your progress, dive into a tailored treatment, and set you up with a clear plan for ongoing well-being. Excited to continue your journey with us!

Osteopathy Video Appointment

These telehealth appointments cater to individuals seeking guidance from our osteopaths without the need for hands-on treatment. During these sessions, our focus is on discussing ways to enhance overall health and alleviate any discomfort or minor issues you may be facing. We'll provide tailored exercise prescriptions for you to practice at home, offer insights into optimizing your daily routines (such as desk ergonomics), and explore adjustments to your sports techniques to promote longevity in your chosen activities.

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